Osor Time Machine - a new dimension of the past
Get your VR headset and enter a new dimension of the past by visiting 11 locations in Osor !

• Did you know that the islands of Cres and Lošinj used to form a single island called Apsyrtides?
• Did you know that Osor (ancient Apsorus) had several thousand inhabitants at its heyday?
• ...And that thanks to the canal Cavanella, Osor used to be the island metropolis of Kvarner and the essential link in the trade chain of the ancient world?
• Did you know that there are no venomous snakes on Cres and Lošinj thanks to St. Gaudentius, the patron saint of Osor?
• Do you know what is the connection between Osor and martens? (Quick! Find the marten sculpture and stroke its tail for good luck!)
Find the answers to these questions at the Osor Archaeological Collection of the Lošinj Museum, get your VR headset and enter a new dimension of the past by visiting 11 locations in Osor!
+385 51 237 346