Fragrant March – Rosemary, Bay Laurel and Eucalyptus
Returning from your walk, refresh yourself with the well-known «Lošinj tea» whose exotic aroma of eucalyptus imparts a special vigor. So, yes, if you need inspiration for new decisions, inhale the fragrances of Lošinj in March! Book now something from our offer!

March fragrance of Lošinj is an ideal time for spiritual inspiration!
The fragrance of Rosemary in bloom and foliation of Laurel mingling with salty sea breezes will revive pleasant memories and trigger contemplation of triumphant plans for the future.
Were not the Hellenic olympians laurel-crowned and famous orators thrust small rosemary branches behind their ear to encourage clarity of thought?
A fragrant woodland stroll through Čikat to Bocca False or lungo-mare – sea promenade from Mali to Veli Lošinj during the month of March - will also invigorate and rejuvenate you.
Over 100 years ago, an adventurous English tourist visited Lošinj and was so overcome by the fragrances that one day over a cup of tea she decided to stay here and on the island of Koludarac, which she called «Valle degli Inglesi – English Wave», she set up a new home.
Returning from your walk, refresh yourself with the well-known «Lošinj tea» whose exotic aroma of eucalyptus imparts a special vigor. So, yes, if you need inspiration for new decisions, inhale the fragrances of Lošinj in March!